March 2024
I was lucky enough to escape Russia before it became a place with complete 0 freedom and human rights, yet I still have this fear of being repressed in any way.
The killing of Navalny hit me hard, yet I was shocked bug not surprised, as, I guess, most of us. Then I went to vote and was denied any anonymity, then it was this huge terrorist attack in Moscow (please don’t tell me it’s ordered by Ukraine, as they say). “People” that run this country lost all humanity, proving it again and again every day since the invasion of Ukraine and even before.
I hope this video will give some hope to people like me - Russians that have identity crisis, that have no idea if they will see their families again, that have this weird feeling of not having a root, a home. I remember in 2017, when I moved to Israel, I said “If it’s not gonna work out - I will just come back”. Well, apparently, that’s not how life works.
So many people lost their lives and families. So many people became homeless and have to move all the time. Whole families that lost their roots. Children that have to change schools every 3 months for visa-run. People thrown to jails for opinions. Internet posts. Demanding their rights.
Not even mentioning people that got killed. All because of one (1) person, who's so afraid of people, that he'd just kill them all.
Alexei Navalny was killed in jail after 3 years of complete suffering. Even though he never showed it, even though he always stayed positive and believed in free Russia till the last minute, surely he went through hell there.
He fought for our rights, for democracy, for freedom. I wish we could all do the same, at least half of it.
This artwork is an attempt to accept the reality and not loose hope.